Market Analysis
A Market Analysis is simply an estimate of what your property would sell or rent for in the current market.
If you have been possibly thinking about selling or renting your property, the first step would be seeing what it is worth. I cannot express the importance of pricing your property correctly from the start. I see it all the time “My home is worth this because it’s better than the rest”. I have literally seen, as well as you have, properties sitting on the market for years. With the seller or landlord, saying “I will wait for my price”. Sadly, this almost never ever happens. If a property sits on the market it will get stale. It will then sell or rent below of what it should have been. In my business, we want to create a multiple offer situation. You can “usually never” put a house below what the market is saying. If so, then it will create a multiple offer situation. Which creates the property to sell or rent for it’s true market value. I have created this market analysis form to assist you in a very confidential manner. To see where you stand. To assist in having your ducks in a row. This is just an overall ball park estimate of value. The property would have to be viewed for a more precise estimate.
I thank you and look forward to working with you in the sale or rental of your property.
Kim Sheen
Please note Kim Sheen of Kim Sheen Properties is not a certified Appraiser and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information.