The Islands of Bermuda comprise an area of approximately 24 square miles, measuring some 21 miles in length with an approximate maximum width of 1 mile. The physical constraints on residential property will therefore be apparent and the stated intention of the relevant legislation is to preserve the majority of the housing stock and undeveloped residential land for Bermudian ownership. However, the Government recognizes that there is a limited Bermudian market for the higher priced properties, and it is these properties, together with others that are linked to hotel developments, that may be acquired by non-Bermudians for their private residential use.
For a freehold house to qualify for purchase by a non-Bermudian (other than one with a Permanent Resident’s Certificate), it must have an Annual Rental Value (“A.R.V.”) at least equivalent to the minimum established by the Government from time to time. Currently the minimum A.R.V. is set at $126,000.00, equivalent to roughly $3,000,000 and up on a sales price ensuring that only the higher valued properties are available for non-Bermudian purchase. (It should be noted that the A.R.V. is established by the Land Valuation Office from time to time and the amount of Land Tax payable is calculated as a percentage of the A.R.V; the A.R.V is the notional value and does not indicate the amount of rent a property would achieve if let on the open market). To locate an A.R.V on a particular property simply go to https://www.landvaluation.bm/
Further restrictions exist to prohibit non-Bermudians from acquiring multi-unit dwellings, except those which are already owned by non-Bermudians and subject to one of the units having an A.R.V. of, or in excess of, $126,000.00. Non-Bermudians are not permitted to own more than two residential properties (whether a house, apartment or condominium) at any one time, with the only exception being that a non-Bermudian will be permitted to purchase a third property on condition that the individual disposes of the original property within twelve months (or such longer period up to a maximum of three years as the Minister may approve) of the issuance of the license for the third property.
In general, non-Bermudians will not be allowed to sub-divide land and will be required to sell the property as a whole single unit. An exception may be made where the property has more than one dwelling and the sub-division would result in the non-Bermudian retaining a dwelling with an A.R.V. in excess of the minimum and the portion divided for sale being sold to a Bermudian.
A non-Bermudian wishing to acquire property in Bermuda must obtain a license from the Minister responsible for Immigration. Applicants must complete the prescribed form and are required to supply a banker’s reference and two personal references from people who have known them for at least three years. The references need not be Bermudian, although this is preferable. Evidence must also be given to show that Bermudians have been given a fair opportunity to acquire the property. Copies of advertisements appearing in local newspapers/social media/property skipper are currently satisfactory evidence.
A license, when granted, will contain a number of conditions including:
1) that the property is used for the private residential use of the license holder and his household only;
2) that the property shall not be developed or altered in such a way so as to add to the number of potential dwelling units;
3) that the property may only be rented out or used for profit in accordance with the specific permission of the Minister (Note: this restriction does not apply to licenses to hold hotel residences or tourist accommodation, or any licenses granted to non-Bermudians who have Permanent Resident’s Certificates).
4) that the property may not be subdivided, and its boundaries may not be changed; and
5) if the license holder holds (whether directly or indirectly) more than one other property in Bermuda then he must, within 12 months of the date of approval of the new license (or such period not exceeding three years as the Minister may allow), divest himself of such other property.
The fees for the grant of a license issued by the Minister responsible for Immigration to a non-Bermudian to acquire property in Bermuda are currently:
A. Purchase of a freehold house – 12.5% of the value of the property
B. Purchase of a leasehold condo – 8% of the value of the property
C. Purchase of tourist accommodation or hotel residence with election to keep for private use – 6.5% of the value of the property or interest
D. Purchase of tourist accommodation or hotel residence with election to place in hotel inventory – 0% of the value of the property or interest
E. Purchase of either a freehold house or a leasehold condo by a permanent resident’s certificate holder – 6% of the value of the property
F. Purchase of any other type of land not mentioned above however acquired – 5% of the value of the property or interest
Apartments and condominiums (other than those referred to below) are only available for purchase by certain categories of non-Bermudians, being Permanent Resident Certificate holders, holders of residential certificates and individuals with a close Bermuda “nexus” (such as the non-Bermudian parent or child of a Bermudian). The minimum A.R.V for such persons without a Bermuda “nexus” is $25,800. There is no minimum for those with a Bermuda “nexus”
A non-Bermudian may be permitted to acquire a “hotel residence” which is property intended for private residential use that was constructed as part of a hotel development.
A non-Bermudian may also be permitted to acquire tourist accommodation. Tourist accommodation is accommodation within the grounds of a hotel such as a hotel room or suite or fractionally owned unit. Where the non-Bermudian is an individual, the tourist accommodation may only be occupied by the license holder, his family and guests who are staying with him or his family or, if the tourist accommodation is being managed by a property management company, paying transient guests. Where the non-Bermudian is an exempted company, the tourist accommodation may only be occupied by a tenant pursuant to a rental agreement which has been approved by Government, to a paying transient guest if the tourist accommodation is being managed by a property management company, or a transient guest with the permission of the exempted company.
In the case of fractionally owned tourist accommodation, license holders must agree on a defined reservation schedule for use of the unit during the year.
An application for a license to acquire or hold tourist accommodation or a hotel residence must include an election as to whether the applicant will place the accommodation or residence in the hotel inventory or keep the accommodation or residence for his private use including, in the case of a hotel residence, renting it out privately. The land-holding charge will be calculated according to this election (0% where the accommodation is placed in the hotel inventory and otherwise 6.5%). If, following an election to put the accommodation or residence in the hotel inventory, the applicant wishes to keep it for private use only, the Minister must be notified, and the applicant will be required to pay the license fee at the rate applicable for private use.
Save in limited circumstances (generally where the non-Bermudian has a Bermudian nexus (Bermudian spouse/parent/child) the sale of undeveloped residential land to non-Bermudians is prohibited.
A non-Bermudian (other than one who holds a Permanent Resident’s Certificate who may let without restriction) who owns a house, or a condominium must obtain the permission of the Minister responsible for Immigration in order to let the same.
Permission will seldom, if ever, be granted for a period in excess of twelve months in the first instance and renewal of permission will be considered on its merits at the time. Further, permission will not normally be given if the owner intends to reside in Bermuda during the rental period. A Government tax (currently 7.25% of the rent paid or $72.50 whichever is greater) will be payable for the permission.
A non-Bermudian who owns tourist accommodation may rent it to paying transient guests provided that this is done by placing it in the hotel inventory.
Generally, a non-Bermudian will not be granted a license to hold real estate in Bermuda as a result of voluntary conveyance, deed of gift, devise, inheritance, purchase, lease in excess of five years or any other means of acquisition unless the property is one that is available for purchase by non-Bermudians (i.e. is over the requisite A.R.V.). However, special rules apply in the case of non-Bermudian spouses where the property is owned by the other spouse and non-Bermudian children of a Bermudian where the property is owned by the Bermudian parent.
Generally, a non-Bermudian who is granted a license to acquire property in Bermuda will be required, under the terms of that license, to hold the property in his individual name and will not be permitted to hold title through a company or a trust. This is intended to prevent property from remaining in non-Bermudian ownership indefinitely. A limited exception exists whereby a property may be held in a trust for a limited time period not exceeding the life of the named beneficiary or surviving beneficiary where there is more than one. An application for a license permitting such ownership structure will be considered on a case by case basis.
There is no income or profits tax, withholding tax, capital gains tax, capital transfer tax, estate duty or inheritance tax payable by persons ordinarily resident in Bermuda. As previously mentioned, Land Tax is payable by a property owner and is calculated as a percentage of the A.R.V. Certain deeds, for example, conveyances of freehold and leasehold property and mortgages, attract ad valorem stamp duty. Further, ad valorem stamp duty is payable on the Affidavit of Value of the estate of a person who dies owning property in Bermuda, but only upon the value of the Bermuda asset.
This publication is intended to cover the general aspects of acquiring property in Bermuda. For further clarification or more detailed information please contact a Bermuda Real Estate Lawyer.
This publication should not be construed as legal advice and is not intended to be relied upon in relation to any specific matter. It deals in broad terms only and is intended merely to provide a brief overview and give general information. Kim Sheen Properties makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the information.